How diverse is your existing PLN?
I believe that my PLN is very diverse, as I interact with many people from various backgrounds via social media. Through social media I am able to gain insight on politics, current events, and social movements that I would otherwise be unaware of. Having a diverse PLN allows me to understand the opinions of others and potentially share my own opinions on certain topics I am passionate about. For instance, I am very passionate about protecting the environment. New and critical information I have seen through credible social media platforms have allowed me to educate myself on important issues and share them with people in my life. Petitions and GoFundMe pages posted on social media have allowed for a growing audience and community to form and fight against critical issues that are happening in the world.
In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?
Personally, I do not see myself as the loudest in the room when it comes to expressing my opinions on important topics. Although I have strong standpoints on certain issues, I want to make room for everyone to share their own opinion rather than overpowering the conversation. I have learned that when expressing my opinion on topics close to my heart, it is better to push people to learn on their own rather than forcing my opinion down their throats. In addition, I often keep a lot of my opinions off of social media in order to prevent people from getting offended or making them uncomfortable. However, in a classroom setting (in person or via zoom), I share my opinion on topics that are discussed in class, but I do so at the minimum in order to maintain an equal and healthy class discussion.
Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?
My PLN does not participate in silo information sharing. I often see people on social media share opinions or information about important political, social, or environmental issues going on in the world. Although I do support their decisions to share this information, I choose not to do so myself. For instance, during the BLM movement people shared black squares on their social media accounts to demonstrate their support. I chose not to do this, and instead conducted my own research on the issue and participated in my own learning. I found that many people only posted a black square because they noticed other people doing it on social media, even though many of them had no concept of the importance of the BLM movement. Personally, I found it to be inauthentic and felt that it took the attention away from the actual work that has to be done.
How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?
Incorporating inclusion into my PLN is extremely important. If someone does not possess a diverse PLN and rather has a PLN that contains similar values, they will be restricted from looking at different, and likely important perspectives. Being more inclusive with a diverse PLN means sharing viewpoints and connecting to people globally. From this, you will be able to be more understanding and appreciative of other people’s viewpoints and broaden your perspective on various issues at the same time.
In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?
Zoom is a professional setting where inclusion is actively embraced. In Zoom classes, we are able to participate in class discussions as a whole or are separated randomly into breakout rooms where we can discuss topics more intimately. Having breakout rooms allows for people who may be more timid to discuss things in a smaller, less intimidating setting. The students that are apart of Zoom are all various ages and are from different backgrounds and places in the world. For instance, Zoom allows me to become close to people that are quite different to me and that I may otherwise not know in a different circumstance.
What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?
The learning outcome of my PLN is to explore different areas that I wouldn’t normally. For instance, following different pages on social media such as various environmental pages that discuss important current events broaden my horizon. In addition, exploring various people’s business accounts online that include real estate, crafts and clothing, allow me to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Being adventurous with my PLN allows me to be more inclusive with my learning and expand my diversity in certain areas.
How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?
After reading the articles and watching the videos, I thoroughly believe that my perception of inclusion and diversity in relation to PLN have improved immensely. It has shown me that I have much to do in terms of increasing my inclusion in everyday life and also allows me to appreciate the inclusivity that I already do embrace in my life. Pushing myself to learn more from people with different perceptions and from different cultures and backgrounds are important steps to take in my life in order to enrich my learning and growth.